Based in Warren, New Jersey, Richard Belott is an experienced CPA who has served in public accounting since 1982. Richard Belott graduated from Fairleigh Dickinson University with a bachelor of science in accounting and earned the CPA designation in 1994.
In addition, Mr. Belott serves as a Personal Financial Specialist, certified by the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA). He and his wife Linda lead Belot & Company CPAs, LLC, with over 75 years of combined experience.
Mr. Belott specializes in tax planning and preparation. He helps seniors save for and manage the costs associated with nursing home care, which often exceeds $300,000 for an average three-year stay in New Jersey. He also offers estate and financial planning services for business owners, doctors, and real estate developers, among other professionals.
A member of the AICPA and the New Jersey Society of CPAs, the latter awarded him a 25-year service award in 2019. Away from work, Mr. Belott enjoys exercising, cooking, reading, and writing.